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Santa Clarita


10-Time Management Tips for Caregivers

Being a caregiver in Santa Clarita can be both rewarding and exhausting.  For the benefit of both you and your senior, it is very important to take some time to keep your own life balanced. Schedule “me” time firstIn order to have the energy to care for...

Self-Care for Family Caregivers

Family caregivers are the most selfless and caring individuals. Often, they set aside their personal needs to cater to the sick and the elderly in the family. The situation becomes worse if you are caring for an Alzheimer’s patient. However, these caregivers need to...

3-Foods That Cause Heart Disease

Heart disease is extremely common within the United States, causing death much earlier than it should come. In the elderly, heart disease is more common as age increases. The main cause of heart disease includes a diet consisting of salt and high fat content. However,...
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