Personal Concierge and Case Management

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Extra helping hand for you and your loved one.


⦁ Are there times when you have to take time off your work or away from your family to help a loved one? Could you use a highly skilled individual to step in and take that role for even a few hours?

⦁ Does your loved one only need an extra helping hand a few hours a week but there’s no one to help you out?

⦁ Could you use a patient advocate with the medical community translating the language and finding the right care at home for your loved one? Perhaps after hospital discharge?

Are you or someone you know having a medical procedure where you will need a few days or weeks to recover? Are you concerned about being a burden and imposition on your friends or family?

Our Care Managers can help assist with many of the challenges families face during these situations and will provide some of the following:

⦁ Assistance with transportation and appointment scheduling.
⦁ Help with both medical and non-medical appointments.
⦁ Finding the right medical products and the professionals needed to install them if applicable.
⦁ If you can’t go to an appointment with your loved one we will ask the right questions and write a detailed report for you of the appointment, recommendations, treatment given, results, and outcomes.
⦁ We generate caregiving reports for family caregivers.
⦁ Help with management of various household functions, medication scheduling, grocery shopping, exercising according to prescribed physical therapy, maintenance scheduling, even pet care while you’re under the weather.

Our Personal Concierge Care Managers are here to help you find solutions to the challenges to family caregiving.

Contact us to find out what we can do for you!

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